Collecting Human DNA from the Air Using AirPrep™ Samplers for Forensic Applications

Collecting Human DNA from the Air Using AirPrep™  Samplers for Forensic Applications

The AirPrep Sampler's ability to effectively collect human DNA from office air, enabled Researchers from Oslo University Hospital to generate complete STR genotypes even after a day of sampling. This discovery suggests that aerosol DNA holds promise as a valuable tool in forensic investigations, enhancing the accuracy of evidence analysis.

Air samples were obtained at a rate of 200 LPM for two hours using the AirPrep™ Cub Sampler, while dust samples were collected using moist cotton swabs. Samples collected by the AirPrep Cub contained an average of 0.003 nanograms per microliter of DNA, which underwent extraction and analysis using PCR and capillary electrophoresis.

Air and dust samples were gathered from hospital complex offices over two days. Analysis revealed mixtures of human DNA in both the dust and room air, at levels suitable for identification of individuals.

"This study shows that human DNA can be collected from the air and provide STR genotypes of the individuals that have recently spent time in a room."

Read the Publication:

 Detection of Human DNA in the Air, Fantinato, et al.

 Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2022

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