beer spoilage organisms, spoilage bacteria, flat sour spoilage, yeast spoilage, spoilage of beer, microbiological spoilage, soft drink spoilage

The Concentrating Pipette provides rapid concentration of spoilage organisms and particulate contaminants. It can concentrate molds, yeasts, and bacteria from up to 355 mL of beer in minutes for rapid analysis with PCR or other analytical methods. Average concentration factors of 1000X -2000X are commonly achievable. Your products can be screened for quality in a single shift. It saves money in labor, product hold times, wasted packaging in the case of recall, and ensures prolonged quality. It allows more screening to be performed in a shift – faster, easier and better.

"If your goal is to move to one-day QC, the InnovaPrep method provides the best possible sensitivity to do it when paired with rapid molecular assays"

  • Monitoring spoilage organisms in carbonated beverages including alcoholic beverages
  • Microbial monitoring of the environment including: air sampling, surface samples, vat rinses
  • Drinking water
  • Juice and other beverages

ApplicationNote - Exponential Concentration of Spoilage Organisms in Carbonated Beverages for Same Shift Detection

Concentrating Pipette Select

A is an automated, rapid micro-particle concentrator for microbiology

EasyElute Large Volume Concentration Kit

Allows concentration of bacteria and viruses from 100+ liters

ACD-200 Bobcat

A rugged lightweight, portable, battery powered, dry filter air sampler with a unique rapid filter elution kit

AirPrep Cub

A new, compact model of the Bobcat. Choose from 50, 100, or 200 LPM flowrate.